Seven of Cups > The Devil: So many tempting options and you want them all! Hedonistic tendencies could get the better of you but there's a risk of coming away empty-handed, practical and realistic measures needed. Three of Pentacles > Seven of Cups > Seven of Pentacles: Can indicate numerous options coming up in your work, diligent and practical efforts will help to keep things grounded can reap rewards, but it will take time. 7 is a spiritual number that may indicate fate or beliefs, while the suit of cups deals with emotions and. Seven of Cups > Ace of Swords: Successfully navigating options with determined purpose and a clear vision toward attaining a fresh new start. It is a card of decisions, choices and illusion. The Seven of Cups is a card that belongs to the third suit (Cups) of the fifty-six cards called Minor Arcana in a traditional seventy-eight tarot card deck. Two of Cups > Seven of Cups > Four of Cups: Be careful you're not viewing a relationship through rose tinted glasses, daydreams may not live up to the reality. Keep it real and don't get too carried away but you're on the right track. Seven of Cups > Three of Wands: Grand plans for the future, thinking big options opening up before you provide the opportunity for progress and expansion. Surrounding cards will indicate if the choices brought are due to favourable circumstances, or if the seeker could get lost in their dreams and realms of imagination. If reversed or ill-dignified, brings a more determined and practical approach with clear focus. Lucky Number: 18 Lucky Colour: Brown TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20) Love: The Tower Mood: Three of Wands Career: The Magician Embrace the week ahead with a sense of optimism and excitement. The 10 of Pentacles tarot card and the 7 of Cups tarot card together suggest that you have the resources to leave a legacy, retire, and receive an inheritance, but you are having trouble making decisions and committing to a path. When faced with the Seven of Cups make your choices firmly based on facts not assumptions, or the possibilities you may envisage developing further down the line – there’s a warning here that daydreams could take you dancing off on a tangent otherwise. This can be a helpful card to have when it’s surrounded by those more practical, at least indicating that choices will be open to you or by bringing options to the table, but care is always needed to ensure you take a realistic and practical approach.

Some cups have good gifts, such as riches and castles. In this card, a man stands in front of seven cups filled with various prizes, trying to decide what he wants.

Seven Cups present intriguing choices but they float in the air and skim the water, suggesting they may not all be real - are they a figment of your imagination? There can be a temptation to get carried away with your thoughts or build castles in the air, so a good dollop of realism doesn’t go amiss when confronted with the options and choices this card may present. By The Seven of Cups is the card of choices, fantasies, illusions, indecisiveness, and wishful thinking.